About The Vegan Planet Kitchen

Hello and Welcome! We’re Mike and Yvonne, a vegan couple on a journey through the world of plant-based cooking. We are both self-taught home cooks who thrive on the excitement of experimenting with flavours from all corners of the globe. You could say food is our full-time hobby. If we are not in the kitchen making dinner we are reading cookbooks or researching new recipes and cuisines.
We hope you enjoy looking through our recipes. Happy cooking!

Can I use your photos/recipes on my site?
You are welcome to republish one of our photos on your website/blog/newsletter – please link it back to the recipe or blog post you pulled it from.
We do NOT allow complete publication of our recipes unless permission is specifically sought by contacting us.
Can we work with you?
We would love to collaborate with brands and people whose values align with our own. We especially love to support those focused on plant-based and eco-friendly offerings. Here are some ways we can team up:
- Sponsored Blog Post
- Recipe Development
- Sponsored Instagram Post
For more information, please e-mail us at theveganplanetkitchen@gmail.com
Can you find us on social media?
We are active on Instagram and Pinterest.

What made us start The Vegan Planet Kitchen?
We came up with the idea of ‘cooking around the planet’ during a cold January evening during lockdown, planning out that week’s menu. Looking through some cookbooks we had got ourselves as presents for Christmas, we decided to make paella. The last restaurant we visited before lockdown was our favourite tapas restaurant. We were missing going out to restaurants so decided we should spend the day in the kitchen and make our own tapas, of sorts. It was delicious, we made paella, patatas bravas and a pipirrana salad.
As we were enjoying the tastes and smells of our own Spanish tapas, we thought, why not choose a different country every week and learn a new cuisine together. Having been vegan for just over a year it was also a good excuse to be more adventurous about what we were eating. Since turning vegan we had been making and eating almost the same things week in, week out.
We had been cooking around the planet for 6 months. Visiting 22 different countries through our taste buds. In the beginning, we had been following recipes but as we were getting to some countries there was a lack of vegan recipes for some of the dishes we wanted to try. So we have been following recipes a lot less recently. Coming up with our own interpretations of the dishes we wanted to try. That’s when we thought, why not share our experiences and that’s when The Vegan Planet Kitchen was born.
When and why did we become vegan?
In 2018 we both decided to go vegetarian after watching a news report on animal farming. It made us realise we were part of a system that tortured and killed billions of animals. We had already been cutting meat out of most of our diet so it was an easy transition for us.
As of January 2020, we are now both vegan. Watching a documentary we both had our eyes opened about what happens in the dairy industry. We also learned about how much of an environmental impact animal farming is having on our planet.
Veganism has changed our lives. We appreciated and loved food before but since turning vegan we spend so much more time together discussing recipes and cooking together in the kitchen. We both feel happier, less tired and just overall excited to be trying new and interesting foods.